用Resco Registry等注册表编辑工具按下列方式修改:
HKLM/System/Shell/Notification/OEM中有一个CustomUIDLL, 其值为NotificationLayout.dll, 把它修改为NotificationLayoutNew.dll(当然也可以是其他), 保存后重启你的手机. 一切OK!!!
其原理是切断了Manila的文件联系方式, 用传统的Windows方式出现提醒, 如此即可实现自主选择推迟的时间, 而不是默认的5分钟.
祝您好运! 如果你的问题解决了, 请告诉我哦!
Go to the register and change to following thing:
HKLM/System/Shell/Notification/OEM there you see CustomUIDLL with NotificationLayout.dll change that in NotificationLayoutNew.dll save this and reset your phone!
It works on almost every ROM version. It doe'sn't work in the OS 23506 versions but before that it should work.
I agree that this a very stupid and probable easy to fix by Windows!!
Let me know if it worked for you!!